


フォロー数:26 フォロワー数:373



Hey, he has the strongest superpower of them all.

Plot armor.

(By )

3 172

Rollie Fingers

When this guy wasn’t busy tying ladies to rail tracks, He pitched for the A’s, if my memory doesn’t fails me…

0 13

You can’t convince me that the first owl wasn’t the victim of a Bugs Bunny prank involving dynamite…

0 0

Have you visited the Museo de antropología e historia in Mexico City. Or opened a Mexica’s codex? You are being incredibly dense, and I’m sure that you can’t be convinced even with all the proof that there is. These are some examples of Mexica codex made by the Mexica🙄🙄🙄

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Sorrry to all Americans and Brazilians.

The first flight was…

“First manned gas balloon flight: Professor Jacques Charles and Nicolas-Louis Robert flew from Paris to Nesles-la-Vallée in a hydrogen-filled balloon on December 1, 1783.”

0 6

y tienen buenos trazos y mejores historias…

2 54

That doesn’t ended good…

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