

I'm JaymesHanson, 80k+ Sub YouTuber!
Known for Bleach Content with more plans ahead!
Business Inquiries: [email protected]

フォロー数:375 フォロワー数:22233

Don't worry I deal with someone copying me too

0 11

It would seem, Kubo does either multiple copies of his colour spreads or has layers for his colours?
(Posting purely for educated purposes)

17 161

Good Night 🌑⭐️😴

5 136

Nice foreshadowing

15 196

Sullivan Squire appreciation post 😌
Kubo's designs 👌

35 234

Posting this because I think it's really educational to show how great the assistants for manga-ka are, this doesnt take away from the author, they can do these spreads single-handedly, but meeting weekly deadlines, assistants help with so much, The Guidelines are interesting too

28 240

Okay, So me and Debating.
Which is it boi's?
Obviously, it's Nel >

Ratio's welcome

16 231