

Writer, photographer, baker, artist, DIY jewelry & hopefully soon to be publish author. Former TV director

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Still waiting for the power to come back
It looks like it’s going to take a while, the good thing is that this time I have a generator
Hope it comes before Saturday

😁 love this pic

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It’s my baby girl’s 18th birthday
An other birthday without electricity but the cake is done her favorite: Chocolate Oreo cake

When she was born tropical storm Jeanne passed by, her birthday is special 😆😅🥹

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Life it’s fragile & short
We don’t know how much time we have
So let’s laugh more, tell the people we love how much they mean to us
Let’s finish that story, do that project, open that business
If it fails move to a new dream but never stay wondering what if

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A new day has begun, let’s create, let’s make the best of it

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Good morning everyone and good afternoon to those at the other side of the world

Have a wonderful day
It may be dark, it may be painful, it may be scary but don’t let it stop you from achieving your dreams
You got this

I am in pain, yesterday was scary but I won’t give up💪🏻

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Have a wonderful Saturday
Be kind to yourself and to other

And please can we go back to having fun in twitter

Take care everyone and enjoy life

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Have a wonderful Sunday

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It was a horrible difficult night
My girl is not ok, anxiety, starting a new school is killing her

Haven’t slept but I have to keep on going

To all of you, have a wonderful day, and no matter what happens in your life: “just keep swimming,just keep swimming” 🎶

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It’s Friday!
Today is pasta day (cuz I’m not feeling like making a huge meal 😅)

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It was a dark and stormy night
7:50 pm a tiny baby was born
5.5 pounds I was given a second chance
It wasn’t pretty but I survived a lot and here I am on my feet celebrating my new life that begins today

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