

Christian. Lover of video games and comics. Draws fan art!
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PSN: Noirwolf

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:709

Sometimes its just one of those days. =P
Silly little fun doodle with Dr. Cortex because I love him.
The Crash Bandicoot games are forever an inspiration for me.

5 51

For evil science, just add mustache!
Eggman, Wily and Cortex are the most qualified to teach Nefarious how to be a villain.

21 53

Lab coat - check
Bald spot - check
Facial hair - check
I swear gaming mad scientists have a checklist of requirements. =P

37 92

Oh come on, you know he is!
You get to see a younger Dr. Wily in but honestly I think he's hotter when he's older. =P

5 12

Ripto is getting into shape for the Spyro Reignited Trilogy!
That or he's making a sad attempt at touching his toes.

18 89

I have too much fun with the villains from the Crash Bandicoot series. =P

40 125

Random moment with Dr. Cortex and N. Gin.
Why should Crash Bandicoot have all the silly fun? Villains like to be silly too! =P

13 50

Doodled a quick little Spyro the Dragon because Reingnited Trilogy! =)

14 51

What dinner is like with Dr. Eggman.

5 18

Quick sketch of Katsuki Bakugo for a buddy of mine.

2 5