

Check these super cool people out:

PFP & Rig:

Art Tag:

Carrd: http://jerea.c

フォロー数:135 フォロワー数:350

Okay actual feet.

3 34

I'm just gonna say this since we're counting down anyways...
98 7 and 6 and 5 and 4 and so we're down at 3

1 18

So uh... Medical checkup today.
Turns out I might need glasses...

4 51

Went out to buy food and got called little lady.

9 56

Streaming Tales of Zestiria now!
BL Fans might have to wait for a bit for the surprise though.

1 7

I've reached Twitch Affiliate~!
Thank you everyone for the support!

Looking forward to streaming lots more~

8 66