JESSICA JANE ☾さんのプロフィール画像

JESSICA JANE ☾さんのイラストまとめ

Global Audience Development at @Crunchyroll ~ 🌙✨

フォロー数:1059 フォロワー数:1984
# kyoani

Is it all right not to hold it in anymore?

8 34

I can’t believe Satoshi Tsuruoka (Gilles de Rais) signed the Jeanne our Fate/Grand Order booth! Cooool!!!! 🤣🙌⚖️

20 71

"You’ve grown up so much. You know that?"

0 6

SO EXCITED. AHHdjdneksicnebsnsiffu

0 49

BROLY IS ABSOLUTELY SMASHING IT!! film in Australia and New Zealand... and it's only just begun! 😭👏🔥

32 174

his glistening eyes absolutely broke me ( ಡ ﹏ ಡ )

0 12