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Another (albeit remold) possibly for Override... Andromeda!!! I had based her G1 and SG appearances partially on Override, and the fine folks at IDW carried that through to their use of the character as well. So... yeah! How about the reporter-bot herself for a figure? 😆 https://t.co/yjOtoJd83S
@TheAutisticOwl @LovedayPosting A head swap (not as easy as it sounds, both needed some reconstruction) between Core Class Megatron and Soundwave. Ends are going to be Radion AM Robot and Tarn.
#MarchOfRobots robot artist appreciation goes to @dyemooch! Versatility and Josh Perez are synonymous, with Josh being able to color & illustrate (& write!) so many, many different styles!
Also - stop by his table at a convention; he can chat with you about any subject!
SG Cliffjumper vs SG Tap-Out. Clearly Cliff is based on Plastico IGA blue Cliffjumper while Tap-Out is based on Estrela Carrera. *Cough*
Just fooling around but - hey. If it works... 🤣🤣
@wordmongerer @DantheArtguy @weredawgz
So Soundwave has Soundblaster and SG Soundwave as repaint potentials already... but what if he and Ratbat were picked up as body doubles for Polar Claw and Batscout?
Especially the non-G1 vehicular Soundwaves...
We're getting toy-based heads for Kingdom figures like Huffer and Pipes to make Selects exclusives.
How about a toy-based head for Ironhide? As Gobots Van Guard?
🖼 by @CaseyWColler
So... Minerva is Counterpunch's chest with Punch's arms and legs, right? Please? 😆
And, sure, make Aileron out of Buzzworthy Bumblebee with a new chest and head.