Jester and Slyさんのプロフィール画像

Jester and Slyさんのイラストまとめ

Sly here. Professed geek and writer. Big fan of stuff & thangs, classic rock and fandoms, and a new MCHallic. Hello!

フォロー数:198 フォロワー数:80

Boy, where to start...
The blessing and curse of a crime writer is the amount of research I do on weird crap that sticks in my brain. For example, I know several ways of cleaning up blood/evidence and how to (almost) get away with murder. It's frightening!

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I would, but, I have a bit of a drinking problem, you see?😆😂

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I think I know what you're talking about. I always look forward to it. (Not!)😆

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That sounds like pure misery. 😬I'm sorry about that. Sounds like some oatmeal baths and lots of cool aloe gel are in order.

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Jellyfish: I'm the Waterman. Back off, or I'll sting like a mutha!

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