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🇮🇹Nel prototipo dell'originale #RE1,la lore doveva essere raccontata da dei graffiti sui muri scritti col sangue dalle vittime del virusT prima di trasformarsi in zombie.
Gli sviluppatori cancellarono quest'idea perché ritenuta troppo irrealistica
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH25th
In the prototype of OG #RE1,the lore supposed to be told in some graffiti on walls from T-virus victims written by blood before turned into zombie.
Developers took them off 'cause felt they were too much unrealistic
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH25th #JillValentine #バイオハザード
#RE3R ha diversi dialoghi mancabili se non si esaminano alcuni oggetti o certe aree.
Per esempio,alcuni fans non sanno che #JillValentine trova la capsula di Nemesis o che ha un dialogo diverso se ha esplorato la sala di controllo prima di aver attivato la corrente
#RE3R has lines that you may miss if you don't examine some objects or explore area.
For ex,some fans don't know #JillValentine finds Nemesis'capsule or having different lines if she explored substation control room before activating power
#ResidentEvil #RE3 #RE3Remake #REBHFun
For #RE2 Nintendo64 porting,there're several extra files which linked to trilogy lore since it came out on1999,the same #RE3 year
One of them is Jill's note on STARS desk which is her own RE3 prologue
Like assuming she wrote once she leftRPD
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #JillValentine
🇮🇹Solo per farvelo ricordare,l'icona del trofeo"Jill è stata qui"in #RE2R è il suo stesso modello in #RE3R ma con il costume standard(invece che classico)
La lettera a Kendo è una bella aggiunta alla lore dato che si conoscono da quando #JillValentine è entrata allaSTARS
@surviventine115 @dev1_official @RE_Games @CapcomUSA_ @BIO_OFFICIAL @CapcomItalia Jill has always made endless cross over games,she's the one with the most appearances from RE serie but I wish her TOO MUCH for RE9 as a main role as this icon deserves💙💥
@imic_hilton @KrysValentine Capcom knows Jill is a videogame icon,also 'cause she's always used to be the RE face for several promotional materials Anyway,other characters did appear in some cross over but Jill has endelss appareances since 2000
Capcom needs to realize she needs to come back to RE timeline