

She/Her || Hello all! This is a public-turned-art twitter! Feel free to look around~ (´▽`)ノ♪

フォロー数:338 フォロワー数:120

History: Monit is a more recent character, initially created as an extra for a pokémon roleplay group on deviant art. His character quickly grew on me and I kept him as a main contrast to Rita. His design and personality remains relatively the same from his initial creation.

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About: A laid-back nap enthusiast who prefers to leave the hard work to others. Has a smart mouth and sharp words, and enjoys getting a rise out of others. Despite this, he will come through in a tough spot when needed.

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Male || September 21 || Mid-Teens (Early 20’s at older design) || 5’7” (5’10” at older design) || Ranger/Personal Trainer

Likes: High places, naps, quick and easy work
Dislikes: Overly sweet foods, extra work, interrupted naps

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History: Yoko was initially created to mirror Furosen, as the ‘bad’ to her ‘good’. Her design was revisited when I added her to a deviant art roleplay group, with a few design updates along the way.

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About: A flirt and tease who is to back up her words with action as she sees fit. Shares a close bond with Furosen and Haiku. Has a crush on Ricki Burbank (), who she enjoys teasing and fussing.

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History: Furosen was initially designed as an opposite to Yoko, as the 'good' to her 'bad'. Her design was updated when I added her to a deviant art roleplay group, and has stayed relatively the same since then.

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Furosen Zhao
About: Kind and compassionate seamstress with a love of cooking and baking. An optimist who always looks for the good in others. Shares a close bond with Haiku and Yoko, and has a large crush on Gabriel ()

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About: A reserved and poised young lady with a passion for traveling and dancing. Avid lover of tea and seafood. Can become quite sharp/critical when others step out of line. Shares a close bond with Furosen and Yoko. She dates and eventually marries Fang Devlin ()

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Haiku Zhao (Devlin)
Female || September 3 || Mid Twenties || 5’2” || Dancer/Performer

Likes: Tea, fish (to eat), reptiles (not to eat), music and dancing
Dislikes: Unwanted advances, scary stories, ghosts, entitled/prejudiced nobility

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Joseph was initially created during a bandwagon for a pokémon tournament art group on deviant art. He was created as a mirror for Jodi. I made them siblings, and mellowed out his rough and tough personality from his initial creation.

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