

Husband, Father, Contractor, Crypto enthusiast, NFT Collector! GOB, M3C, LazyLion, BlueChimp, LAO, RuneStone Holder-Jesus 1st

フォロー数:1642 フォロワー数:821
# gob

Very few, 3% is extremely low, so 4.3 % falls into FOMO area! But filter out the ones over 1 Eth and it’s crazy low!!
Keep giving people Facts! Don’t let this be another project you Would of should of could of but didn’t!

1 6

I agree with Jonathan Bales that Goons of Balatroon is the most undervalued NFT Project. I would like to add there are some features of the project that are cross collectable like BAYC and Sauron necklaces, just to name 2

4 11

Welcome let’s melt fasces Goons

2 7