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Joey Morganさんのイラストまとめ…

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TONIGHT! and I are recording our next bonus episode of Fresh-Faced Comics!

Start up a conversation about Superman: The Animated Series below! Favorite episodes, music, animation, anything! All questions or comments are appreciated 😁

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THIS MONDAY ON FRESH-FACED COMICS! and I discuss one of the most memorable Batman stories of the New 52, Death of the Family! 🦇

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Mad Dogs and Englishmen by Paul Magrs

I finally read another Who book! And it was great! And insane! And soooo much fun! So many things to love about this book. Nöel Coward has already skyrocketed in my favorite DW supporting characters.


Up next, Relative Dimentias!

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Bunker Soldiers by Martin Day

That was really solid. A well-researched (could've been pure) historical with some really interesting character drama, and a lot for our TARDIS team to do. Dodo and the Doctor were particular highlights for me.


Up next, EarthWorld!

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Festival of Death by Jonathan Morris

Loved that! A great example of a timey wimey Who book that's smart, fast-paced, and above all, fun. It's also surprisingly more grim than I first took it to be, but it was very welcome indeed.


Up next, The Turing Test!

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Verdigris by Paul Magrs

Absolutely loved that! One of the best portrayals of the Third Doctor I've read, and a damn fun ride with Iris. Also loved the "villain" of this book and how they were able to play around with this time in the Doctor's life


Up next, The Space Age!

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Unnatural History by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman

I've been waiting for this kind of story for Sam for a long time. Something that takes the Miles approach of explaining why Sam doesn't work, but then actually taking the time to *fix* it. Exquisite.


Up next, Storm Harvest!

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Coming late next month, a fan-made adaptation of the Virgin New Adventure!

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