

Franchement la vie parfois jsp

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She was deeply influenced by the avant-gardists Picasso, Gauguin Renoir and Cézanne.

Here is a comparison :

if you want to know more about her:

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Have you ever heard about the Seven, a group of Honolulu-based women painters during the 20th century?

I will introduce you to them...

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William Pinkney Toler (1826-1899)
I'm done with the volcano school i guess...

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Eduardo Lefebvre Scovell (1864-1918)

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Ogura Yonesuke (1870-1940)

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"Je comprends ici ce qu'on appelle gloire : le droit d'aimer sans mesure. Il n'y a qu'un seul amour dans ce monde. Étreindre un corps de femme, c'est aussi retenir contre soi cette joie étrange qui descend du ciel vers la mer."

A.Camus (4/5)

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"Entré dans l'eau, c'est le saisissement, (...) la course de l'eau sur mon corps, (...) et l'absence d'horizon. Sur le rivage, c'est la chute dans le sable, abandonné au monde, rentré dans ma pesanteur de chair et d'os, abruti de soleil."

A. Camus (3/5)

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In Cardiff, then in Brittany (France), then from 1911 in Hawaii, he mainly paints the sea and its waves in a unique way, neither realist nor impressionist.


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Lionel Walden is an American painter. He trains in Paris and will spend most of his life in France.

If he is known for his paintings on the industrial revolution, his main subject is the sea.


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He used watercolor a lot and came close to impressionism in the last years of his life.

Fun fact: he imported the Boy Scout movement from the United States to Hawaii.

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