@MissBarbatos my personal favorite will always be the God Gundam, it's just such a fantastic upgrade on everything the Shining had to offer & then some
I adore the heavier mix of primary colors in particular, its just all
Also i agree, Barbatos lupus is a great redesign too!
@FlackTheJack well...
you kinda don't need too much imagination to figure S o m e
stuff out...
@InkfishDraws The most normal are literal regular humans, like Tess and Katie shown here & some of my weirder designs in general are very monstrous in nature, take my take on Vasuki, Vishnu's snake servant
Designs like Riza are meant to be sort of middle points of the extremities of beings lol
@yrfreakyneighbr @sukoshi_kaze Here's my girl, Riza and her face!
Keep the Art Train going!
An all Riza spread for you guys! https://t.co/NmzKyOr0ho
I definitely think it's her palette i feel
There's like, alot to Riza, horns & tail, pale skin, etc... but like, i feel my efforts in making her associated with Red and heavily warm colors stands first and foremost methinks
Idk personally though lol https://t.co/nTQOglicSN