


フォロー数:333 フォロワー数:1131

Like and retweet if you're pulling Ultra Super Gogeta when he drops!

59 80

Vegito deck was kind of failing at the time, so when Gogeta came out, you could either get Goku and Vegeta to fuse into Gogeta or Vegito. But yeah, everyone used the Gogeta card without fusing and it was powerful in any deck. The artwork is sexy for the SR and SPR version

0 5

Imagine one of your favourite animes had a continued story in the manga only AND they decide to animate a bunch of spin offs instead and now they're making a live action Saint Seiya movie just to make this worse. Oh, my God.. Just animate Saint Seiya Next Dimension!

2 15

These 2 were pretty hype last year when they dropped! I remember even doing predictions for them. My channel was pretty crazy during the 2nd anniversary.

1 44

Ah yes, the boosted characters with the Gohan backup team.

0 12

Destroyed with 1 gif lmfao

0 53


Is she good?

1 30

I know they milk Goku Black, but this art looks so good... I'm so glad it's Zamasu since we barely get him (not including fusion)

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