Johnny Bulletさんのプロフィール画像

Johnny Bulletさんのイラストまとめ

Experience the ride. Cars, stunts, crime, women. Read my comic strip featuring my adventures as a 1970s racer. (Mastodon)

フォロー数:658 フォロワー数:611

The look? Miller is not indicative of how the Flash has looked, & neither is Page. I understand that you think that Page emulates Miller well, but that's not the Flash as designed by Carmine Infantino in 1956.

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He's dressed like the Golden Age Atom, Al Pratt.

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Archer & Armstrong, of course.

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Okay, I see people have Archies around. That totally invalidates everything I wrote above. There were always Archies around in the house. They were abundant. Perhaps no one ever gave me one but I sure had access to them and Boule et Bill

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As a wee kid, I got this Mazinger comic from my mom after going to an amusement park. I think it adapted stuff from the cartoon. But later, when I could read, I know I got this Batman comic from my dad.

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The boxer in Babe reminds me of Sagat

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