Johnny OddSocksさんのプロフィール画像

Johnny OddSocksさんのイラストまとめ

Proud Dad of two boys, author & illustrator of children's picture-books.

My books and website can be found at

フォロー数:2782 フォロワー数:1677

My new Christmas ebook is to celebrate the paperback launch.
Oh no! The reindeer are snowed in, so who is going to pull Santa's sleigh?

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My new is out now! The reindeer are snowed in, so who is going to help Santa pull the sleigh?

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I'm giving away a paperback copy of my book, "What's My Night Out?"
All you need to do to enter is download the FREE ebook and leave me an honest review (a 5 mins read - 24 page picturebook)

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Brand new release, and a perfect last minute hilarious gift

If you can't cope with a night out any more, this one's for you!

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Uploaded my new book, hopefully it'll be live on Amazon tomorrow. Exciting!!

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Tonights is... a grown up one!! First night away for a long time, staying in London overnight for work.

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Tonight's was... You've guessed it, Mr Greedy and the Gingerbread man! I thought this nightly post would be more interesting, my boys have suddenly got obsessed!

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I've got a couple of options for front covers of my new book. Which do you prefer??

Click pic to read blurb.

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