

Working on @NightmareCops

フォロー数:560 フォロワー数:149564

an actual chemist was riding my nuts here so I fixed the flask christ almighty

47 1877

One last piece of garbage concept art I dug up from 2006.
German guy beat out England guy and Robot guy for the dick jokes.

344 4430

sry here’s a better one

266 2571

to , my little 4 leaf clover. ♥️

322 5971

This shit is so weird and I was kinda over the regret of not finishing these years and years ago, but now I feel THE REGRET all over again. But I do have the audio and maybe ill just have someone else finish em.

462 5390

this is almost a teenager

166 2261

BUTCH HARTMAN. To order a commission click: 🏄

763 10710

some discarded art:

31 592