

LN Binge Reader & Aspiring Step Brother

フォロー数:1617 フォロワー数:14391

Finished Mushoku Tensei Vol.4

Covered up to episode 15. Again a lot of details cut like info on the 7 great powers and stuff about demon eyes but nothing to major. Overall a lot slower than the other volumes but in no way bad. Also got introduced to Fitz in the extra chapter.

3 48

Starting Mushoku Tensei Vol.4

3 66

Starting Mushoku Tensei Vol.2

8 150

Finished Mushoku Tensei Vol.1

Adapted up to episode 4.The anime was good but there’s just small inner monologues that made Rudeus alot more enjoyable & we got his backstory early on as well as some more knowledge on magic and labyrinths. Also really liked the paul perspectives.

7 90

Starting Mushoku Tensei Vol.1

2 46

Finished DAL Vol.16

Kurumi refrain was so good! Started off as more of a light hearted sol but man it switched up real quick and gave us Kurumis back story and that insane last chapter! Really can’t wait to start Kurumi ragnarok! (9/10)

4 19

Finished DAL Vol.15

Mukuro family was a pretty fun volume and a good wrap up to the Mukuro arc. Loved getting to see inverse Tohka again and that ending had me hyped can’t wait to start Kurumi Refrain!

2 13

Finished DAL Vol.13

Creation Nia has got to be my favorite arc so far! Nia’s personality was super fun and loved how all the spirits came together to help Shido save her also didn’t expect her to go inverse. The Kurumi stuff was really interesting & Westcott is a real problem!

4 26

Starting Date A Live Vol.13

6 65