

I make many things, not well, but my way, and that is what counts.

❤️ @FizzbuzzMEOW

フォロー数:65 フォロワー数:182

Logged into FFXIV and completely forgot that bestowed a curse upon my body.

4 18

So Corgi is starting a Superhero/villain themed campaign next week. Everybody is rocking up with really unique concepts and designs, meanwhile..

4 17

I am only powered by dice and quickly sketched tokens now.

Is this what running a campaign feels like

9 21

I'm being compelled to post the "final form" My demon took in the last session. In hopeless situations he went from voidlet to "Oh shit is he an angel."

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So I was meaning to draw her anyway for a long time because honestly Mirage is one of my favourite unique pokemon designs but put her forwards anyway so YEAH LET'S DO THAT.

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5 21

So even though it's not an official thing yet for Corgis next D&D game I decided to make a serious attempt at stu-who the fuck am I kidding I made an utter gremlin made of shadow and mallet.

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I was debating going cat for my new Sona as well, and I might refine them at some point anyway, Joku has been close to me for a long time after all, but I've always had a really nice connection with black cats - we used to adopt them and they're always the sweetest dorks?

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