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After doing boring stuff all week had to draw something. Drew one of the best things of #Wrestlemania, @mikethemiz dad! #mrmiz #mizdad #wrestlemania35 #MizsDad #themiz
@Jordan_Devlin1 art all finished! Favorite matches so far are Devlin vs Walter for OTT, vs Pete Dunne, vs Travis Banks. Looking forward to seeing what else they do with him in NXT UK. #IrishAce #JordanDevlin #NXTUK
@ReinaGWWE artwork done! Love what I’ve seen of Reina in NXT plus she grew up in same area of Texas that I did (The RGV.) She even went to the same H.S, different times of course. Wishing her all the success in her Wrestling career. #ReinaGonzalez #NXT
“Ivan Hollow...GOTCH PILEDRIVER! It’s all over!” 🎃🎃🎃🎃After finishing up the drawings I thought I had enough images to try and animate it. #NightmareProWrestling #NPWBellyoftheBeast #ProWrestlingComics #monsters #prowrestling #comic #comics #gotchstylepiledriver
These 3 panels work so well! @Jerzy did a great job with the setup and execution. Great acting and expressions. I almost feel like my dialogue gets in the way. 3 of my fav panels in issue 1. #NightmareProWrestling #BellyoftheBeast. #comics #ProWrestlingComic #TagTeamWrestling
Maldito Vs Handsome Horace colors WIP! Awesome line work by @natenewton! #NPWBellyiftheBeast #NightmareProWrestling #Monster #Comics #Wrestling #ProWrestlingComics
THE MAN! @beckylynchwwe! Had some time to draw for myself and had to draw the best thing going in WWE. #BeckyLynch #WWE #wwebeckylynch #Beckylynchfanart #themanbeckylynch #BeckyLynchcartoon
Love the way these panels work. Ultra Stein is unhappy with crowd reaction so he destroys a fan, Flyman freaks and throws his notes in the air. So good! Line work by @robsdraws #NightmareProWrestling #NPWBellyoftheBeast #Monsters #ProWrestling #comics #ProWrestlingComics
Sons of Frankenstein cut a powerful promo! Color on Rob Sherwin’s crazy powerful Sons of Frankenstein vs The Cool Ghoulz Pages!!! 💥 #nightmareprowrestling #npwbellyofthebeast #frankenstein #frankensteinmonster #prowrestlingComics #monsters #comics #prowrestling
Flats all done for my favorite Grave & Lobo Vs The Pumpkin Boys page! 💀🐺🎃🎃 Crazy energy and motion coming from @Jerzy’s lines!😍 #NightmareProWrestling #NPWBellyoftheBeast #Monsters #Wrestling #Comics #prowrestlingcomics