


//Thirstest war criminal of 2023

// feral gunpla goblin

//I identify as a fucking problem…

フォロー数:2662 フォロワー数:1800

"Remembrance of Courage Past" and "Perfect"

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I need more cool gunpla, art, and hobby people to follow

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Hi folks

I have a Kofi account for those who want to take a look at or a store that I sell art on! Times are, uhh, interesting in a difficult way. One of my parents is out of work rn due to a recent layoff (and concussion).

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Howdy folks,
Does anyone have any hobby night info for the following states:
•West Virginia
•South Dakota
•South Carolina
•Rhode Island

Thanks for the help :)

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Ask me anything 👀

Could be the blog, hobby, my novels, or just anything random

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Hit my writing goal for today and came up with a novel title 😀

Also played around with AI art, so have some free art

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Character designs done last week 😭

I'm also close to hitting my 10k prep before NaNoWriMo starts

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On a mild note, more character design for Joshua

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Digital art is hard but character concepts are fun!

(Also skin tones are hard)

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