

🐟 Fysh - They/Them - 24 - White

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Art Account: @AlchememeArts

Icon by @Fortunatto_L
Banner by @skymagpieart

フォロー数:154 フォロワー数:310

(WIP Completed one out of 6 pages! I've not done comic pages in so long that I'm trying out some new things here. Ft. 15yo Zaan, Nahkriin and Morokei

8 20

Some quick sketches of some dragon priests unmasked in my Zaan story 🙂 Nahkriin and Morokei

8 23

Love that Peryite never changed like they figured out perfection and stuck with it

5 35

I revived my old Dagon worshiping Kahjiit into a magdk! Now re-introducing Rihani-do

10 46

He probably realized the second after he pressed the cycle and its one of those washing machines that lock once the cycle begins so he's just stood there like

Listening to the clang thud thud of those metal sabatons in the washing machine

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I just love jorvuld so much,,,

2 12

I am once again handing you another xivkyn design this time Stegakyx of the Bloody Blade, hoping to make her my EU pvp toon once I get money for a character slot

4 18

THEN IT GETS WORSE because the Xivilai have hair in Legends but the Xivkyn still remain bald like in ESO

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Thing is it gets worse, because in legands they have dremora who are totally bald, some with shaved heads, and some with hair

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Nudity //

I've been in a major art thunk but I'm getting a grip and managed to draw the scion form of my vampire Laurabelle

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