

Restless mind, building worlds and releasing them IRL.
Founder and artist @condo_mini #NFT

フォロー数:552 フォロワー数:638

gm frens ☕✨
You can hate that today it's not Friday, but you can't hate your art. Even when it feels wrong each piece is a step towards true expression. You've got to love it!
Not sponsored by portraits 💖

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gm frens ☕✨
Gonna run some more Disco Diffusion just for fun today. The goal is to reach interesting results with a recognizable style, as in this Spirit art by 🤩

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Run a simple prompt on Disco Diffusion.
"bridge of light entering a white fantasy city floating in the sky with fluffy clouds at sunset. Art by Donato Giancola. Trending on Artstation"

I now have a problem pricing

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This would be more like it. Obviously the composition is off: the :characters in the bottom third are out of the frame, too much noise in the top left corner etc. You will have to create the image based on that rather then just crop it.

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Also gn with frens? 🌃💤
Not a bad idea when you can see such masterpieces, isn't it?

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gm frens ☕✨
Counter Mondays' grumpy vibes with the colours and vibrance of 😍

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gm frens ☕✨
What's the goal you will achieve before the weekend comes?
You only have 4 days. Make it 3 because you will spend one day looking at the mesmerising colors of abstract art 😍

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gm frens ☕✨
Today is Monday again. Will you hustle in here until you make it and is still Monday but doesn't feel like it? 💪
Today's gm is (not) sponsored by the amazing watercolors of !

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gm frens ☕✨
It's the weekend.
Let's party until we find ourselves upside down as in this live action painting by the amazing Veronika !

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