
@[email protected]さんのイラストまとめ

MFØ, Shock:SSF, Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze ++. Teacher, SF writer, game & graphic designer, illustrator, “musician”.

"An awesome dude" —Xeni Jardin


フォロー数:10 フォロワー数:2113

Fun interview!

Help the Misspent Youth: Fall In Love, Not In Line Kickstarter hit $20k! I’m so proud to see my grandbaby growing up!

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Grip of the Kombinat is the 2000AD combination of silliness and serious Sci Fi that I’ve been missing. Kraftwerk and Rudy Rucker references, dumb Internet jokes and classic aesthetics, and the Kickstarter is about to end!


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I just realized I’ve got a pile of these in my basement. I’ll send anyone in the US signed sets for $50 (anyone outside the US will have to pay shipping, too)


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You can also get my games & other publications — art, music(?), fiction, illustration, electronics, fictional language — from my Patreon, xenoglyph! Then we can discuss on the Discord, xenophilia, where we also play RPGs and are generally kind & weird.


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Hey, do you like speculative fiction stuff? Sci fi illustrations? Short stories? Made up languages? Experimental music? Even the occasional bit of making real the future we want?

Join my Patreon where I make stuff and we’ll talk about it on the Discord!


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I’m running a sale on The Bronze Age Sword & Sorcery RPG, The BLOODY-HANDED NAME of BRONZE as long as people keep buying it at the sale prices! Get it now to extend the sale for your friends!

Sexy, funny, blood-spattered monsters & magic words!


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The BLOODY-HANDED NAME of BRONZE is on sale for $49 only for as long as you’re buying it! The sale ends when sales cool!

Passion and beheadings! Strive for immortality — or to be forgotten by those who know your name and what you owe them!


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My lush, heavily-illustrated, sexy, funny, serious Bronze Age Sword & Sorcery RPG — Conan and Dying Earth crossed with Torah and Illiad — is on sale for just $49! Tell your friends how much you love it!


(It’s the “ultimate RPG game”!)

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