
@[email protected]さんのイラストまとめ

MFØ, Shock:SSF, Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze ++. Teacher, SF writer, game & graphic designer, illustrator, “musician”.

"An awesome dude" —Xeni Jardin


フォロー数:10 フォロワー数:2113

The lush Bronze Age Sword & Sorcery TTRPG,


is up for pre-order!

Find yourself upon bloodstained sands, the drops spelling the wishes of the Western Desert, itself! Pursue its wishes, lest the Great Names become jealous!


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Been working on this on and off the last few days.


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Working on a thing for and for my xenophiliac patrons! https://t.co/8P6vlwsyvq

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It’s more than 220 pages of Bronze Age Sword & Sorcery heavily-illustrated roleplaying game; tales of bloody death and bloodier love and dread compromise; and lush materials for crafting the mythology of the World of Names!

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I am proud to say that The Codex Edition of The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze is up for preorder!

I will accept exchanges of mutual honor-bound promise brokered with the River Uä; of four goats; or of glass ring-coin wrought by craft unknown!


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The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze Codex Edition https://t.co/2laqMXThKK

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Queen Puabi's hairstyle + the classic Babylonian masculine style (as well as the same Hopi style that spawned Princess Leia's starbuns) was the inspiration for The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze's hero/fashion model, Shudar, Sun-Child, Scion of the Sky of the Mountain City Uyat. https://t.co/7vyKB7gl0q

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_Heavy the Head_, but is a beautiful parable about people who think other people’s job is easier because they don’t know how to do it.

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The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze features a bunch of stories, like Anywhere You Take Me From Here by the Hugo nominee, , just featured on the Kaleidocast complete with folkloric analysis!

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Finishing The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze this month really kicked my ass. I haven't made a single Patreon post, never mind the four that I need for the $1k/mo that pays bills.

Bronze will be available to xenophiliacs soon! Back me so I can pay bills!

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