NHM Journal of Systematic Palaeontologyさんのプロフィール画像

NHM Journal of Systematic Palaeontologyさんのイラストまとめ

Publishing research that uses systematics to significantly advance the field of palaeontology. Based at The Natural History Museum, London.

フォロー数:219 フォロワー数:1712

New: Calede, Tse & Cairns – The first evidence of Heosminthus from North America and the phylogenetics of Sminthidae (Mammalia, Rodentia, Dipodoidea): biogeographical implications https://t.co/cRRYTErwpr

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New: Obraztsova et al. – Xinjiangchelyid turtles from the Middle Jurassic of the Berezovsk coal mine (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia): systematics, skeletal morphology, variation, relationships & palaeobiogeographic implications https://t.co/uFVQIK3l9M Art: Alexander Ostroshabov

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Unravelling the identity of the platanistoid Notocetus vanbenedeni in https://t.co/LtxUChnynF Reconstruction by artist Jorge Gonzalez

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New: , Alex Correa-Metrio, Mónica Carvalho, Jorge Velez-Juarbe, Tomáš Přikryl, Carlos Jaramillo & Jürgen Kriwet – Towards a unifying systematic scheme of fossil and living billfishes (Teleostei, Istiophoridae) https://t.co/QUHHjW2Wka

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New: Onary, Hsiou, Lee & Palci – Redescription, taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Boavus Marsh, 1871 (Serpentes: Booidea) from the early–middle Eocene of the USA https://t.co/ex62c32psD

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New: et al. – Archaebalaenoptera eusebioi, a new rorqual from the late Miocene of Peru (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Balaenopteridae) and its impact in reconstructing body size evolution, ecomorphology and palaeobiogeography of Balaenopteridae https://t.co/hltarxk0vx

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New: Vera, Scarano & Reguero – A new Interatheriinae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from the Cerro Boleadoras Formation (Santa Cruz, Argentina) and the evolution of the tarsus within the lineage during the Miocene https://t.co/DB3huHvCvd

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Life reconstruction of Microsphenodon bonapartei gen. et sp. nov. (top left) and Clevosaurus brasiliensis (bottom right) by Lavinia Gandolfi

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New: Manchester, Zhang, Hotton, Wing & Crane –Distinctive quadrangular seed-bearing structures of gnetalean affinity from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of Utah, USA https://t.co/6iLrbxMwkJ

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New: De Santi et al. – A new Pleistocene Ctenomys and divergence dating of the hyperdiverse South American rodent family Ctenomyidae https://t.co/frhqlnNChA

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