

Pokémon GO Investigative Journalist, PvPer, Silph Arena/Road Contributor, GO Hub PvP Analyst, constructive critic, author of ~600 analysis articles & #PvPfacts!

フォロー数:449 フォロワー数:7065

Note the time change! Now 10pm EDT instead of the original 9pm, to accommodate the Niantic-sponsored PvP stream at 8pm.

Come watch me face off with my buddy and others on 's Community Day Debate!

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In TS/BB/WC Raichu beats all the Waters (shocking!) and Water counters AhChu, Minun, Pachirisu, & Lickitung, as well as A-Rat, Furret, T-Tar, Aggron, Lairon, and Torkoal. With Charm instead, it loses the Water wins but gains Shelgon, Donphan, and Umbreon.

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Bibarel is very similar to Vaporeon in beating all Fires, all Ices, all Rocks, all relevant Grounds, and all Charmers but Granbull. Bib can also defeat Suicune, A-Rat, Linoone, Furret, and Lickitung and tie Shelgon, Stank, and Vape! Wake up, little buddy!

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If you can manage to acquire one that fits in Latios with Dragon Breath/Claw and the new and improved Psychic (the move) can defeat Cresselia, Claydol, Giraf, AhChu, Empoleon, non-Ice Punch Poliwrath, A-Marowak, and even outrace Haunter, and ties Lugia.

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With Mud Slap paired with potent moves like Drill Run & Rock Slide, Excadrill can take out Bastie, Probo, AhChu, Haunter, Zong, Mawile, Banette, Giraf, Cressie, & Steelix, or with Metal Claw it sacrifices Ghosts and Steels to gain wins vs Charmevoir, Lugia, & Claydol.

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