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Monika's tip of the day~
There is one super important lesson that neither myself or anybody else can teach you. Do you know what that could be?
That lesson, is learning to pick yourself up after you have gone through the grinder of a problem. You need to teach yourself that~
Monika's tip of the day~
With this year quickly coming to a close, allow me to ask you something.
Do you see now how fast a year has passed?
If so, what have you done to help improve upon yourself and your life?
And if not, I hope you may hopefully see that before 2023~
When it comes to opportunities, that's just it. They're Opportuni-"ties" as in more than one. You'll never only have "only one shot" in your life. Opportunities present themselves in multiple ways. And while some may have different angles to the same goal. Others may not~
Monika's tip of the day~
If somebody chooses to walk out of your life. That's okay, not everyone is meant to stay with you. And I hope that one day, you'll come to realize. That sometimes, it's okay to miss the memories that you've had. You don't always have to miss the person~
Monika's tip of the day~
One of the hardest things anyone can ever do, is to know when to let go. Whether it's Anger, Guilt, Loss, or Love. Change will never be easy for anyone. As humans we fight to hold on, and we fight to let go. The choice comes as to which is best for you~
Monika's tip of the day~
There is a lie that society tries to force into our minds. And that is to, "find somebody that makes you happy."
Forget that!
People are unreliable, so you need to first make yourself happy. Then, and only then, can you find somebody that expands upon it~
Monika's tip of the day~
So what if your decision upsets somebody? You're responsible for your happiness, not theirs. It'll make a lot of people mad, when you do what's best for you. You're living your best life, and they're too busy being mad at you. Than to improve themselves~
Monika's tip of the day~
There's a story behind every person. And what had happened in that past. Shaped them into the person they are today. People aren't just like that because they want to be. They are like that because they had to be to survive. You can't anyways fix that~
Monika's tip of the day~
The future isn't always about your goals and dreams. Yes they're good to have, but not everything will fall into place exactly where you want it. Try to make the best out of what you have now. Use it to pursue them, but remain humble if it doesn't work~
Monika's tip of the day~
You're going to lose people in your life. Some good, some bad, and maybe some inbetween. But, you may also find some of them again. Timing has a lot to do with everything. And sometimes, you may not be ready for some of those people just yet~