

Married 💗 | My 2 girls are my 🌍 ❤ | Artist 🎨 | Surviving life after #CSA. Living with #Trauma #CPTSD #Depression #Anxiety
profile picture by @PPixelfun

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I'm struggling today 😪 childhood sexual abuse is not something you ever get over. The trauma is with you for life, self doubt, fearful, suicidal, hyper vigilant, unable to trust others, anxious. Everyday is such a hard battle living with

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WIP Update, a bit more progress with this one. In memory of my Auntie 💕

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Thank you so much Wendy 🥰

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*Trigger Warning* some more of my personal therapy artwork.

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**Trigger Warning**
My personal healing artwork

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Happy Birthday Chris, hope you have a fab day 😘🎂

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As yesterday was world I thought I'd post some of my artwork showing my own feelings of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

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Love to you and your mum - two incredibly strong women ❤😘

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We lost you 2 months ago today to cancer, yesterday would have been your wedding anniversary, today we should be celebrating your 78th birthday together 💐Can't believe I'll never see you, hug you or hear your voice again 💔Forever in my heart, I love you Mom. Happy birthday ❤

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