

ABDL/kink acct 🔞 MDNI | 31 | artist | neurospicy | D:BH primarily hankcon, RK1700, Reed800/900 he/they 🏳️‍⚧️ | 🟢 ART: OPEN 🟢

フォロー数:492 フォロワー数:236

Adorable commission from ! Let's go shiny hunting! 🌟

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Aaaah look at this amazing telegram sticker I got from !! Jules looks so good in this style! 🎃

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Jules with their favorite dinosaur, BJ! Do you want to watch Barney and play dinosaur stuffies with them??

Art by: 💜

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Cute commission for a local friend of their adorable bighorn sheep!

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Hi! I'm Jules! I'm a smol black otter rex bun!
I make art, fursuit, and spoil my pets! Wanna be friends?

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