Julie Ballardさんのプロフィール画像

Julie Ballardさんのイラストまとめ

Magic carpet-riding, daydream-a-holic (away with the fairies, dragons & pirates). Pic book writer & former journo. 1st book out with @EgmontUK, 2019.

フォロー数:1902 フォロワー数:2047

Two more days of school and my son is desperate for six weeks' freedom (as, I can imagine, most teachers are).

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My littlest is rather peeved. He thought he was breaking up on Friday and then discovered he has two more days at school next week.

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LONDON BOOK LAUNCH DAY TODAY!! Squee! Ever so excited to be propelling 'The Dinosaur Who Lost Her Voice' into the big wide world, , 6.30pm. Themes include Thanks . Let's do this!

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"This too shall pass." Sending hugs your way.

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Ha Ha! The bl***y class bear. Remember it well. You feel you have to do exciting things with it because your child has to write about it.

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I think your comment about your garden furniture is great...but here speaks someone who has publicly said she's looking forward to the Eurovision Song Contest tonight. If anyone needs shooting, it's me!

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Think I'll have to Gareth...That or personally hand deliver it to his teacher! (LOL)

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Watch out! Watch out! There are dinos about. (Trying to get organised for book launch celebrations with an army of assembled cupcake wrappers)

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COLLAR. WHAT COLLAR? (He He). Late seventies fashion at its finest!

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Good luck. Hope it finds a home!

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