

Porque sueño, yo no lo estoy, porque sueño, sueño, porque me abandono por las noches a mis sueños, antes de que me deje el día.

フォロー数:1861 フォロワー数:3650

"A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy."
Edgar Degas

2 5

"Here lies the hoarded love, the key
To all the treasure that shall be;
Come fated hand the gift to take
And smite this sleeping world awake."
William Morris

Edward Burne-Jones

1 2

"I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be – in a light better than any light that ever shone – in a land no one can define, or remember, only desire...".
Edward Burne-Jones

4 12

"This is my genre...the happiness, tragedies, and the sorrows of mankind as realized in the teeming black ghetto."
Jacob Lawrence

2 5

"Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires,
and a touch that never hurts."
Charles Dickens

0 5

La femme à la colombe et au chat,
Kees van Dongen
and Léonard Tsuhguharu Foujita.

4 10

Edward Hopper by Edward Hopper.

0 2

Las ilustraciones de Edward Hopper.

0 4

The Japanese Robe,
Alfred Stevens.

0 0