

Photographic Artist @Omen4Omen @Ape_NationNFT @labarftoken @PangolinCardano @aeoniumsky @cardanolands @Joshua_Squashua @SaltySeagulls_ @HPEC_DAO @club_cherubim

フォロー数:3164 フォロワー数:4011

We have raffles going off tomorrow This bad MFer below is in 2 of them , 3 sets of 3 and canopy raffle..........and then we have the OGCC raffle , Let's Fokin go.....

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💥 is gonna be a game changer in the ecosystem. So happy is a part of their DEX

Let's gooooooooo

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Stake them for $nation , CSwap , $Society , C4 , MD token , Hexo......with this incredible team , you never know what's around the next corner

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One thing I'll bet my life on. will always be here, because we have a team that will never stop delivering to it's community

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