Juni Ba - Chill with a hint of unhinged🐢さんのプロフィール画像

Juni Ba - Chill with a hint of unhinged🐢さんのイラストまとめ

Award-winning cartoonist of DJELIYA, MOBILIS, MONKEY MEAT FELIX AND MACABBER and BOY WONDER. Regular on DC and the TMNT. Email at [email protected]

フォロー数:467 フォロワー数:10393
# tmnt

Character designs for the Black Panther short I made last year. I actually have a whole story planned. Maybe some day!

76 346

TMNT ANNUAL 2022, March 30

Oh lawd, he coming!

17 120

I think everything I enjoy doing stylistically can be summed up and guessed by looking at the way I draw cats

7 54