

フォロー数:632 フォロワー数:147

's sneak peek, it has excellent color and NFT movement.
Feel as this picture is alive.😍
Our community is made up of friendly people from various countries.
We expect Clementine's success.
Let's dive

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If you look at 's sneak peek, it has excellent color and NFT movement. It will take a lot of time and effort to express it like this. Please enjoy my fan art 🚀🚀🚀

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Discord member reached 130K!! 🚀🚀🚀
Welcome to the world of SoulZ!
You only need to get 3 orbs to get the whitelist(Ascension).
Fun Missions and healthy community SoulZ !!

WL Minting: 2/20 9AM (UTC)
Public Minting : 2/22 9AM (UTC)

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My 2st fan art X !
SoulZ held a fan-art contest with the theme of .
Awesome members are showing off their skills!🚀
Let's join with me!😀
Come to SoulZ world Discord!

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My 1st fan art X !
There are a lot of pretty, cool fan-art in SoulZ.
You can interact with members from various countries and experience a healthy community.
Come to SoulZ world Discord!

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SoulZ의 네번째 Memes Competition 이 나왔습니다!!
다른 예술적인 스킬은 필요없으며, 독창성과 창의성을 위주로 본다고 합니다!
Meme를 잘 모르시는 분들은 제가 출품한 밈을 보시고 참고해서 대회에 참여하시길 바랍니다 😀😀

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SoulZ x Lives of Asuna Collaboration fan-art!
소울즈와 아스나의 콜라보 작품입니다.

소울즈에 오시면 다채로운 팬아트들이 있으니 꼭 아래주소로 놀러오세요~

디스코드 주소 :

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SoulZ 아직 늦지 않았습니다. 다들 1초라도 빨리 오셔서 '화이트리스트'를 선점합시다. 디스코드에 오시면 재미있는 요소들이 많이 있습니다. 외쳐! 갓 SOULZ~~♥️

디스코드 주소 :

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마지막 남은 최고의 기대작 SoulZ 입니다!! 이렇게 많은 사람들이 관심을 가지는 것 자체가 NFT 시장에서 긍정적인 효과가 있다는거 아시죠? 한국사람들 모여라!!

디스코드 주소 :

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