Jupiter ❄️ Tired old manさんのプロフィール画像

Jupiter ❄️ Tired old manさんのイラストまとめ

(They/them) Digital artist (DnD/OCs/Elves etc) ✨ ace - mixed race - UK - 33✨ Cosplay acc: @jupilightcos

フォロー数:582 フォロワー数:515

Congratulations on your milestone and thanks for the art share! I'm Jupiter, a queer fantasy artist! I mostly draw OCs, elves, vampires and other such stuff. And I'm looking for art moots who like similar stuff 🥰🥰

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Literally drawing at a snails pace atm and I dunno why xD at least able to scrawl out something! So... Have another WIP.

1 12

More sketches, but I guess this one actually feels like it's going somewhere thankfully! Ariuk was forced into some escape 'training' by being tied to a chair. They got kinda sick of it after a while, I don't blame them XD

0 12

Finished this finally! V'drin'ssa (he/him, 'Ssa for short)... Get to play him in DnD tomorrow and this old drow has been a well established OC for a while so it'll be great to use him in a game (even if it's off the back of a TPK 😅)

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Me: Ariuk (they/them), arguably my most trauma/drama filled child. Poor thing.
Also me: Imagine if they lose their arm and it's replaced by their god that they despise into a cool ice arm where their lost vows (from being tattoos on the arm) are carved to the bone!)

2 13

I have so much DnD stuff I want to draw yet here I am slaving over this still 🤣 so..have a WIP. Upside is I get to play as him soon!

0 14

Right?! Ty!! He's made it this far from being clever and brutal, big criminal mastermind vibes. I love the idea of him persevering when the avg life span is like 450.. he's at least 130yrs+ older than that. Got a bad leg but still punches like a pro! Current wip of him <3

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Ooh thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the near-milestone ^_^ I shall throw my old man, 'Ssa into the mix!

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Art is so slow at the mo but at least it's something XD have a wip

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