

|22| |Bi| |Self-taught artist| |Mostly OC content here| |art of media I enjoy (on rare ocasions)|

フォロー数:2111 フォロワー数:563

here's my OC her name's Amanda

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here's one of mine her name's Amanda

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If you want to help me out please give me ideas to make his design look better it does not to be a fully rendered art of him I just need someone to improve upon this design a sketch would be a god enough base

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this guy is the guy who said these words

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I drew my dumbass sona

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Which one of them would hang out with this fella?/j

actually I do have a suggestion draw ur OCs arm wrestling

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Introducing Sir Stirr Smol
the leader if the circus troupe and the mastermind behind their crimes
this mf ruined many lifes including the troupe member ones
If he offers you a job in a circus cus of your big forehead or something just throw him in the nearest trash bin

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Okay imma draw some circus fliers in this style with the members of the circus troupe Samantha and CeCe were in and design more members of said troupe

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