

Ars longa, vita brevis. (3x +1)

フォロー数:878 フォロワー数:1125

Nice one anyway.
Maybe your cat is like the one in (The master and margarita)

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الناس كلها جميلة وحلوة والسعادة تعم الاجواء 🥰

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عالم لم نتوقع ان نراه او نعيشه

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They say miracles are past;and we have our philosophical persons,to make modern and familiar,things supernatural and causeless.Hence is it that we make trifles of terrors, ensconcing ourselves into seeming knowledge,when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear.

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Old slavery system from ancient Egy to modern Americans. https://t.co/ckJ8NM8OTN

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