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The Justice Gapさんのイラストまとめ

Edited by @JonRobins10. University reporter scheme: Cardiff, Manchester, Glasgow & UCL. Support the JG, buy Proof

フォロー数:965 フォロワー数:21707

'The independence of the goes to the heart of the integrity of the justice system. Politicians need to respect that & the commission needs to stand up for itself.' Me on concerns of political interference at the miscarriage of justice watchdog

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'Ministers bullied justice watchdog': The article in today was written by & Jonathan Ames. Due to run last week, it was repeatedly held over & finally wrongly attributed to Jonathan Ames. Infuriating. Read unedited here:

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What's going on at the ? Just 13 cases referred back to the Court of Appeal last year. That's a referral rate of just 0.9%. Three years ago the no of referrals collapsed from a 20 yr average of 33. Why?

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Protecting vulnerable suspects in police custody: on legacy of Maxwell Confait case, the need for appropriate adults & why it ends to be strengthened. According to research, abt 100,000 suspects/ yr aren't provided with AA when they sd be

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Droughts & deserts: If you want to understand the truly desperate economics of legal aid, then read 's Jo Wilding's study of market failure in immigration advice. Published today.

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Detained for almost two years at a cost to the public purse of £53,664: Celia Clarke of on the story behind their one-standing client. How was this individual a risk to the public, she asks

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Single parents’ challenge to benefit cap rejected by . 'We continue to believe that the cap is structurally flawed and that pushing families who can’t work deeper into poverty is totally unacceptable,’ says . reports

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What’s the point of the miscarriage of justice watchdog? Me on the role of the , & Mai Sato's new research and the strange lack of media interest into a vital but struggling part of our justice system

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Almost two-thirds of issues raised by constituents at MPs’ surgeries are legal problems: Claire Dumbill and Annie Lund of on new new research & the case for a new law centre in Lewisham

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Keep your wigs on: on lawyers frustrations with court security, his recent meeting with and a possible way forward

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