Justin Colónさんのプロフィール画像

Justin Colónさんのイラストまとめ

The Quacken (July. '24)
Impossible Possums (Oct. '24)
The ZomBees (Summer '25)
Impossible Possum for Mayor (Fall '25)
Vampurr (Summer '26)

フォロー数:914 フォロワー数:15096

Don't forget to tune in next Wednesday from 9-11 pm EST for our chat with guest, !

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If you're signing off for the night, thanks for joining in, & enjoy the rest of your wk!

Just tuning in? Welcome!

9-10pm EST is the official 'live' event. But this chat goes on for hours, & often days. It's a 24/7 community. Don't let your timezone stop you. Hop in!

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Say when you're somewhere around your 100th draft and first impressions are long gone.

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The first question of the night, courtesy of . Thank you.

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Thank you for this week's icebreaker, .

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Credit for this question goes to .

please feel free to chime in : )

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It's that moment you've always dreamed of... your chance to delcare your own public holiday.

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"Believe me, nothing is trivial." – Eric Draven, The Crow

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