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Just imagine all the different Fortnite POIs that could be the locations for the minigame. And I feel the disasters could easily be implemented;
-Flash Flood
-Wild Fire
-Volcanic Eruption
-Meteor Shower
Would be pretty neat https://t.co/izyTWwrzK6

5 69

What people aren't understanding about the point i'm making is that these characters are so visually uninteresting, I could not even tell you their names

I'm sure the show is very popular, but on the basis of a VISUAL cosmetic, you'd think it would be something more appealing https://t.co/0ydgck8LdZ

2 81

If it's like all anime collabs, I expect 4 characters, and think it'll be these 4

Although, I have never watched MHA, so i'm curious if I missed the mark here on my guesses, MHA fans

3 230