

アニメーター | 二原 | 二原のお仕事はDMください !

以前の作品: ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!#10, 別世界 - 天音かなた MV, SAO オルタナティブ ガンゲイル・オンラインⅡ #03,04,07…

フォロー数:2251 フォロワー数:5077

Posting this one again bc i don't hav a new one prepared 😭 HBD Ryo~ 🥳

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he pullin one a these lmao i like it. tried to draw a similar expression one time but turned out ass

0 1

Thinkin about how different and arguably more interesting some of Kento Toya's kirito drawings are compared to the rest. In part due to it not looking like kiri at all and i respect that lol

0 28

kiri doodle off from memory idk

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