

アニメーター | 二原 | 二原のお仕事はDMください !

以前の作品: ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!#10, 別世界 - 天音かなた MV, SAO オルタナティブ ガンゲイル・オンラインⅡ, ラブライブ!スーパースター!! S3…

フォロー数:2275 フォロワー数:5135

Night Ops


15 69

And of course, can't go wrong with his impact frames 😩💦

10 71

Thank you for everything Kaichou, it's been an absolute blast. Godspeed o7 🐉

10 36

Botan Reload

(also congrats on 800k+ subs!!)

23 168

I only started playing with CSP (and digital art in general) about 2 months ago. Was around the time I upgraded my setup and thought to try something new after being inspired into it. I've barely scratched the surface but so far I am just having so much fun... HBD CSP! 🎉

3 21