

This tagline is not a place of honour.

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:202

“Beast of the heavens, how does starlight blind?”

A handy creature, behind a bronze mask, gleaming with starfire.


2 8

“Better to rule in fuzzy hell than serve in fuzzy heaven?”

Fluffus diabolus...


1 7


As a followup, someone asked about the idea of a ‘biblically accurate’ angelic fluff. Now, I could point out that there’s a good range of described (and undescribed) angels in the various bibles, but here you go.


4 12

[Latin chanting plays]

Fluffus angelus? Perhaps. I imagine maybe that this is what one of my consciences looks like.


4 10

“Ah hello, welcome! I am Professor Dzi, and this is my friend Zrr. We’re scholars.”

Professor Dzi is the Adventurers’ Path expert on aberrant life and strange ancient creatures. Zrr is their friend and familiar.


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“The individual components of a Vudarach swarm do not seem intelligent, but they are more canny than you’d think.”

Some kind of long beetle or short myriapod.


0 6

More discord suggestions! A fluffy miner!


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“You cannot be divided up and still live and act, not like the Vudarach — sometimes called the manymen — can, but you are a whole made of impermanent parts.”

A creature made of creatures. Maybe they’re friendly.


1 4

Fluffus draconis and Fluffus ectoplasmus.

Another pair of Discord suggestions, for a dragon and ‘haunted’ respectively.


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Based on Discord suggestions, beetle and chef fluffies.


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