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Updated my little #Moogle profile picture to be a little more festive! #Halloween
Gen 3 Steel Type: Wish upon a #Jirachi! I tried using very thin lines this round. I like how it turned out! #Pokemon #Fanart
Gen 3 Ghost Type: #Sableye has places to be! I tried to emulate Kanako Eo with a custom brush! She is one of my art heroes. #Fanart #Pokemon
Gen 3 Rock Type: #Nosepass! What a sweet, sturdy boy. #Pokemon #Fanart
Update to the #Whismur from earlier this week. Went with kind of a retro coloring style. #Pokemon #Fanart
Gen 3 Poison Type: Don't tell #Gulpin the secret about his dream girl, it'll break his heart! #Pokemon #Fanart
Gen 3 Flying Type: This is not the first sandwich this #Wingull has stolen, and it won't be the last! #Pokemon #Fanart
Gen 3 Fighting Type: A dumplin for a dumplin! #Makuhita #Pokemon #Fanart
Gen 2 Fairy Type: Spent some extra love and care on my favorite #Pokemon: #Cleffa :3. #Fanart
Gen 2 Dragon Type: #Houndour is trying his best to be a good boy! Fire Fang can be rough 🔥 #Pokemon #Fanart