

Kara, 28, ⚢, Poly, furry artist, writer, musician. She/They, Ásatrú. GF of @Pashooshark and Sasha

フォロー数:378 フォロワー数:218

But I actually actively still use paint. Here.

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"Clenching her shirt between her teeth, fingers pounding her prostate and still gloved hand stroking her womanhood, at the apex of her climax her jaw fell agape, shirt falling atop her breasts. 'Avo..!' She stammered between heated breaths, climax moments away."

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"If I had to choose between you and breathing, I would make sure those last few breaths counted."

It's and I's one year anniversary. It's been an amazing year, so much has changed for both of us. I believe, for the better.

Juniper, my dear. Let's shoot for another.

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I reinvented that Fursona in a flattering way. She was a Valkyrie now. She became strong, brave, powerful. She became less of a gag, and more of a genuine expression of self love and appreciation.

Vanessa is me. Yet even still part of me wishes to be Saladin. >

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of one's self. The dissonance between us does not exist the way it maybe should, but when I started dating my old boyfriend, I crafted a fursona I could feel right giving to someone else romantically. Enter my other one, Vanessa. >

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"What if she was trans?" and well.

That's how we got here. An old friend now not-so-much told me, when modeling my fursona...

"A Fursona should be what you would choose to be under ideal circumstances. An idealized version of yourself."

He was right. >

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did this sketch out of the blue tonight while drawing, and I felt a desire to work on it more. With her permission, I lined, colored and shaded it into this.

I'm quite proud of it. I am also sporting a new avatar from this, as you can clearly see.

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