

Ricky desu, 🇺🇸在住オタク&競馬民, 星井美希/八宮めぐる/十王星南P, μ‘sic Forever ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ❤️ 長谷川育美|石見舞菜香|内田真礼|水樹奈々|田村ゆかり|堀江由衣|夏川椎菜|洲崎綾|初音ミク

フォロー数:1246 フォロワー数:630

Key didn’t let me down, I think I should preorder the full ver

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We will wing wonder world

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Half year’s jewels got drained

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Grandpa and Grandson

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Power overwhelming

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Uma game main story season 1 finally over
Team Sirius the best

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