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FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕July 15th Release #2🎧Debut full length album from Fargo, North Dakota, US Death Metal outfit🔥MAUL - Seraphic Punishment🇺🇸🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/MIvpOpx6PE @MAUL701 @RedefiningDark #Seraphic #DeathMetal #FFFJul15 #KMäN
2022 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️August 5th, 2022⬅️
COSCRADH - Nahanagan Stadial🇮🇪🔥Debut album! Dublin, Irish Black/Death Metal🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/LzQ1MlI5sv #Coscradh #NahanaganStadial @InvictusProd #BlackDeathMetal #TheUpcomingTerror22 #KMäN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕June 24th Release ENCORE!🎧7 Track EP from Los Angeles, California, US Stoner/Doom Metal project🔥INTO THE VALLEY OF DEATH - Ruthless EP🔥🇺🇸
BC➡️https://t.co/gZx9hO7Odi #IntoTheValleyofDeath #Ruthless #StonerDoomMetal #FFFJun24 #KMäN
2022 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️August 12th, 2022⬅️
ARONIOUS - Irkalla🇺🇸🔥2nd album! Green Bay, Wisconsin, US Progressive/Technical Death Metal🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/3wM7TnU0Fq #Aroniouswi #Irkalla @TheArtisanEra #ProgressiveTechnicalDeathMetal #TheUpcomingTerror22 #KMäN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕May 27th Release #57🎧6 Track EP from Aarhus, Midtjylland, Danish Death Metal outfit🔥BAEST - Justitia EP🇩🇰🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://t.co/5DvDadrTOm #Baest #Justitia #DeathMetal @CenturyMedia #FFFMay27 #KMäN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕May 20th Release ENCORE!🎧Debut album from Milton Keynes, UK Death Metal/Hardcore outfit🔥CASKETFEEDER - Servants of Violence🇬🇧🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/TfTVfY3Ji3 #Casketfeeder #ServantsofViolence #DeathMetalHardcore #FFFMay20 #KMäN
Deth Dekk Dominions:🎧🆕2nd album from Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesian Brutal Death Metal outfit🔥DECAYING FLESH - Virtuous In Suffering🇮🇩🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/V1hoLC1IkX #DecayingFlesh #VirtuousinSuffering #RottenMusic #BrutalDeathMetal #DDDMay21 #DethDekk #KMäN
2022 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️July 22nd, 2022⬅️
CASTRATOR - Defiled in Oblivion🇺🇸🔥Debut full length album! New York, US Death Metal🔥
YT➡️'Tyrant's Verdict https://t.co/27mUooygtI @ClawHammerPR @DarkDescentRec #CastratorBand #DefiledinOblivion #TheUpcomingTerror22 #KMäN
2022 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️June 3rd, 2022⬅️
GRAVE INFESTATION - Persecution of the Living🇨🇦🔥Debut album! Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadian Death Metal🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/Z4cNpigo54 #GraveInfestation #PersecutionoftheLiving @InvictusProd #TheUpcomingTerror22 #KMäN
Deth Dekk Dominions:🎧🆕Debut full length album from Windward Islands, French Polynesian Black Metal outfit🔥TE RUKI - Marako Te Ruki🇵🇫🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/Pveot1UWcj #TeRukiBand #MarkoTeRuki #BlackMetal #DDDApr21 #DethDekk #KMäN