KO_OP 🎣 FLY FISHING OUT NOW! 🚁さんのプロフィール画像

KO_OP 🎣 FLY FISHING OUT NOW! 🚁さんのイラストまとめ

Worker-run game studio. Goodbye Volcano High 🦕, Ridiculous Fishing EX 🎣, Winding Worlds 🐛, GNOG 🤖, #TeamPilgrim 🏜️

フォロー数:278 フォロワー数:16169

❤️🙏 wow thank you so much!! The drummer's name is Reed, here is the chibi version of him lookin' cute

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ok now be honest what's your most decadent at-home snack

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be honest how many tabs do you have open right now

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I'm (💅) the proprietor of this here account, here to tell you I'm on vacation so you may not see much content in the next week! Below is a selfie of where I'll be spending my vacay—JUST KIDDING I will be at home 🙃. Hit me with your pandemic staycation ideas plz?? 🧐

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It's Halloween time and a bunch of gremlinsaurs and ghoulosauruses are running rampant through our Discord!

Each Halloween sticker can be won by playing a game with other users! They pop up from time to time in channels when folks are chatting, which gives big 👻 BOO 👻 energy.

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Are you on our Discord yet? If so, hop into the yearbook channel and type .yearbook or .yb to unlock the first sticker in your collection! If you’re not on our Discord... well that's an easy problem to fix if you clickety-clack the link in our bio 💅

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You have come upon A Cursed Triceratops.... seven years bad luck unless u wishlist our game!!!!!


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This Fan(g)art by DinoMintz is giving me late 90s Nickelodeon Saturday morning cartoon vibes. AND I LOVE IT.


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Cannot deal with this cinematic parallel between Fang in 🦕👁 and their voice actor Lachlan Watson in this video 😍

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